
Consigli per gli acquisti — The Hermit Seeks The Stillness

Il nuo­vo album di Dir­ty Knobs, feno­me­na­le tour de for­ce dark ambient lun­go 12 ore. Dispo­ni­bi­le per un'offerta libe­ra supe­rio­re ad un dol­la­ro.
Paro­le dell'autore: «The­se songs are meant to be…not back­ground music exac­tly. But some­thing to chan­ge the envi­ron­ment around the liste­ner. A sort of sideways trans­por­ta­tion to arti­fi­cial­ly slow time, just as tho­se momen­ts of still­ness are ulti­ma­te­ly arti­fi­cial. The­se songs are not meant to cap­tu­re tho­se momen­ts, but to instead pro­vi­de a spa­ce for tho­se momen­ts to be captured.»